So today is officially the one year birthday of MA Belle and I wanted to take a moment to say
Thank you to all of my incredible readers. To be honest, I created this blog one year ago because my boyfriend had just broken up with me and my dog was put to sleep
on the same day, (can you imagine?!) so I decided rather than spending the day crying I would sit down and create something fun. Clearly I had no idea at the time what an amazing experience this would turn out to be. Thanks to readers like you, I've made new friends all around the globe who inspire me on a daily basis. I cannot thank you all enough :)
Congrats Michelle!! You inspire us all just as much, if not more!!!!!
Well done and Happy Birthday.
How fabulous that you turned a very unhappy moment into a positive one - I am sure you never looked back.
Happy B'day M.A!
Always inspirational, keep on bloggin!
Happy Birthday!!!
PS - On the same day!?!? That may go down as the worst day in history :(. Thank goodness it is a year in the past!
yeahhhhh happy happy day!!!
One year of inspiration from one of my best and most talented friends! Can't get enough!
congrats michelle!! and thanks for the samples- i now have two sets :) best of luck!!!
Happy Birthday! It's exciting to think what cool things can happen this year!
Congratulations Michelle! I love your blog and all your ideas.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are truly an inspiration!! This is going to be an amazing year for you:)
So glad you are here Michelle, this blog is my absolute favorite! Always wonderful and inspiring!
Thank YOU so much!
Happy birthday! Have a giant sparkly cupcake to celebrate. :D
Congrats! and Happy Anniversary!
Congrats Lady! Thanks for inspiring all of us on a daily basis too! And also thanks for helping me start my blog - wouldn't have started it with out your help! Keep the fantastic posts coming!
Its amazing how sad events can lead us into totally new experiences.
Happy Blog Birthday!!
Happy Birthday! I hope you had a fantastic day! Amanda xx
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